My Nieces & Nephews

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Auntie Tisha & Jordan

This is me and Jordan in December 2004--Christmas day. He is the big brother of Jaden, Kyn and Kyr. He is now 14 years old, in the 9th grade, and playing football. Yikes! I'm getting old. I don't see Jordan much because he is doing his thing and growing up! I have fond toddler memories of him. He and his mom came to live with me back in 1996 when he was just two years old. This was before digital cameras were an option for me. I have many photos of he and I him but I'd have to scan them. I have a photo album of his baby, toddler and preteen years. Now he's a teenager and I'm staying clear--I'm scared! LOL! But one very vivid and fond memory I have of him as a toddler is our visits to the park. On the drive home one day, he yelled at me "sing it" when I was not singing the Barney song with him. He was distraught that he was singing it alone! Jordan now is my man. Last year he went with me on one of my house cleaning contracts and earned some money. Once I get back on my feet, business wise, I will be hiring him again as he is very into earning money these days! Wow Jordan!


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