My Nieces & Nephews

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I had another priviledge to hang out with my boo boo littles Jaden(6), Kyn(3) and Kyr(3) on Thursday, October 4th. Jordan (12) is not a boo boo little anymore. He's 12 and is often not around. He has big boy, 12 year old, stuff to do these days. Or he is off with his dad, as he was this summer and missed all da festivities. He's auntie's helper when he does come. But most notedly, he's a middle line backer now. And is taking em down on da field. I went to a game a couple weeks ago and brother represented. So I'm making sure I stay close to him, just in case he makes it to the league one day, so he can break auntie off a lil sumthin--this is per my sisters admonishment to me, that day after the game. I'll have to do a blog about my sister Rhonda. She's a riot! But stay tuned as I plan to do a chronicle of Jordan's adolecent years--if he allows me that close to him. Speaking of Jordan, he's also enterprising always seeking to make a deal with as little cost to him as possible. That worked before he turned 12. Usually anything he'd ask me for, I'd get it for him. Well, thought that system was still in effect when he asked me for a MP3 player for his b-day in July. I told him he had to come up w/ half da funds and I'll match it and we'd go get it. Now get this, he told me, "okay." But went home and told his mama long faced dissappointed talking bout, "auntie told me I gotta come up w/ half to get my mp3, " His mom was tickled saying, he thought you was gonna get it like he got everything else. So this is my interaction with Jordan.

So back to my boo boo littles. On Thursday, while my sister and Tony were taking their engagement pictures at STN MTN, auntie was called in for duty. I love the greetings I get from my boo boo littles. They are OVER DA TOP and a long luxurious stroke to my "auntie ego".

The format goes a little like this: when they pull up and see me walking out to the car, (while still in their car seats), I hear AUNTIE AUNTIE TISHA AUNTIE TISHA......(hollering). This time Jaden breaks out into what looks like a seizure yelling AUNTIE TISHA I LOVE YOU. Then when the shackles of seatbelts are off, they all charge for me and into my arms they go. Oh my! I live for those moments.

Then come sweet the can I and I wanna demands from the girlz, "can i go in your car, can I go to your house, I wanna get in da water? " Then when they settle down, I ask them about their day and boy do they to tell me. Jaden begins with his adventures. Then girlz go with theirs. This is so fun to me to listen to because I'm beginning to see their words, reasoning abilities, and syntax take shape. I noticed that Kynnedy favorite phrase when she is talking or when anyone else is telling me something is, "and then, and den, and den" (I'm laughing as I'm typing this) and then as in continuing the story--but there is no story. She just be picking up from other people's story. She was killing me. And den..... and den what suga?

Then they started asking each other while I'm driving around the park (Jaden in front girlz in da back), "where Kynnedy at?" "I'm right here" and so on. Then when the circular asking stopped and they wanted the fun of it to begin again, one of them would say, "say where I'm at" LOL!!!! I love it!

The most precious thing I'd like to record about my moments with them that I haven't up to now is how I've been teaching them this little song I've made up to plant a seed of Christ's supremacy in them. I teach it to every child God give me priviledge to bond with. It has no name, it just goes, "Jesus is the way, Jesus is the Truth, Jesus is the Life, I love Jesus, and Jesus loves me" I have a lil tune and everything.

So when I see my boo boo littles, I always ask them, "who is Jesus?" And the girlz will randomly break out with one of the three attributes, "Jesus is da Life" or "Jesus is da truth" You should hear them say "da life" it sounds so sweet to my ears.

Well Jaden has got it down now! He was able to say it all by his self and I think when I see him next, he will be able to say the whole thing without any help. He did so well, that I put him in charge of teaching his sisters. I tell him that he is the leader and he loves that. But he always complains, "dey ain't listening, .....but I tried to tell him" He gets his feelings hurt so easy. He's always crying. It's hard being the middle child! Oh well.

So that was the highlight of my time w/ my boo boo littles. This week.

Until next entry.....

P.S. The photos above was taken back in June weekend after my sister's wedding. You will see more photos from this day as well as other days below. Don't laugh too hard! I pray I have kids one day--I think!!!


Jaden: Dat pot pie sure looks good......

Kyrsten: Okay you can have some, open up!

GUT BUSTERS (Kyr and Kyn)

Kyrsten: You're Killing Me....Kyn. Uh huh! AH HA HA Kynnedy: I got sumthin up my sleeve...

Kynnedy: I'm killing me! HAHA HA HA HA
Krysten: She's a silly willy. Ain't I photogenic though? She buggin but I'm poised with a winning smile ready for da camera and my hair ain't even done!



This was a very fun day with the kids. June 3rd or somewhere about. This was the weekend after my sister Tavonya's wedding and the hair do from the previous week was expired--as you can see. So mommie was in the process of getting them ready for the week, but not before nap time. Then Auntie Tish arrives. I go up to their rooms thinking I'm going to find them sleeping and what do I find? The Romper Room. So Auntie joins in and see some of the moments of gut busting entertainment I enjoyed:

Kyrsten doing Karoake? Check out her blue slippers. They love shoes--they cry if they have to take them off prefering to wear them to bed I'm told. LOL!!!!! I know they raid my closet