My Nieces & Nephews

Monday, February 26, 2007


I promise that I've not taught the girls how to strike a pose. They've been at this since they could walk. Note the bottom phot0 here, there girlz were18-24 months rocking pull ups and my choice shoes. They've been raiding my and their moms closet all this time. And they are still at it! They are going on 4 years old, they wear little girl panties now. LOL!
I have only encouraged them to "be a lady" and of course a princess. But can't you see these lil sistas are full of estrogen. They are women to the bone--complete with a shoe and fashion fettish, model poses and a cat walk struts. Their mother is so not into fashion like that--so this is something inate. They are serious girly girls. Kyrsten most noticeably. Kyn too, although Kynnedy is somewhat of a tom-boy prankster. She's strong willed and not afraid to be different. She's not afraid to say I don't like dat. She ain't afraid to get dirty--and scared. For she always have a new one when she comes to visit. But she's still very into her fashion--I like that balance about her.

Case and point to Kyn's girlie side. Notice her outfit. Well it was a task to get it on her. She threw a fit because, she wanted to wear her jeans that day and not what she is wearing in the photo? What? Well you see who won that argument. But inside I was too tickled ( I did not let her know I was laughing).

Another case, note the little fur trimmed jackets they both are wearing (top photo) that are about 2 sizes TOO SMALL! Well I was informed by my sister when they were dropped off--that they were insistent upon wearing these coats. They are their favorite coats. They love em! Can't let it go. Like a true woman holding on to those jeans from high school hoping to get back into them. LOL!

This is why I took a photo of them with their hands up--so when they are older, I can show them how much of a "trip" they were at 3 relative to their clothes. Too funny. Also, mom informs me that they are into "belts" now. Gotta wear a belt--even if there are no loops. Well I saw this first hand this weekend. Again---too funny. Finally any fabric that is lacy or chiffon--is a must have. They love to wrap their heads and whole bodies in such fabrics. Their favorite style to wear what I've called their "princess hat" They look like little muslims in their princess hat or head covering--but they be styling it--like little ladies!

Now before you go thinking we are allowing vanity to creep into these little princessess. Well it's obviously there already but right now it is healthy. I testify, that my sister (as well as myself seeking to reinforce mama's teaching) does well to keep them balanced and an eye on this self-discovering behavior. When they get out of hand--we both put our hands to their backsides and they cooperate. They are not unruly out of control at all. They are 3 year olds discovering themselves and the reality of beauty (they like to look in the mirror, like touching their bodies, running around naked, and asking grown ups questions about their bodies, etc).

We are more amused than alarm right now as their overall mannerisms show tendencies toward obedient and loving children. "Auntie, can I...." when they want something before they take it! Or when they waste something or do something wrong--most of the time they say, "sorry auntie or a sweet lil sooory!" Or for no reason at all they will randomly come and hug or kiss you and say "I love you" So precious, it makes me melt !

Moreso, they know quite a bit about the Lord. "Jesus is the way, Jesus is da Truth, Jesus is da life, I love Jesus, and Jesus Loves me" Yes! They remember. Jaden--has it down pat. He needs no help. And the girlz know much of it by themselves.

I'm delighted! So enjoy these photos of my boo boo littles.



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