My Nieces & Nephews

Monday, February 26, 2007

"Push Me To Da Sky"

The weekend of February 23-25 was an absolute joy for me. I spent it with my infamous and very beautiful nieces and nephews. First off my sister and her hubby to be have done a fine job in teaching them kindness and manners even though it is clear they are "little sinners" LOL! whew!

Okay....I haven't seen my boo boo littles since December and it was long overdo. I got a call early in the day from the girlz telling me very loudly with glee, "we're coming to see you" While I was at work, I had butterflies in my tummie because I knew in a couple of hours I would see them. It was similar to the feeling of being in love. How about dat! Anywho, Rhonda's (my lovely and amusing sister) drops them off. And we get ready to head to our favorite place---the park a few blocks from my house.

What fun! They could not wait---the hop out of the car and blaze toward the play ground. As you can see from the photos. The highlight of the day was Jaden, Kyn and Kyr's desire to be pushed to the sky.

"Push me to da sky, push me to da sky" they said one after the other (as it only takes one to start the chain). Well being the opportunitist I am, I saw this as a teachable moment--that is to use this enthusiam to go "higher" to teach them about seeking God. So I attempted a trick of some sort. I told them, okay you can go 3 places, to the sky, to outerspace or to God. So I asked, okay where do yawl want to go? They replied to da sky. (As that's all they knew of course). So ,when they instructed be to push them to da sky, I pushed them really lightly (not high). Then Jaden caught on and said, push me to outer space. And the girlz of course follow suit. Of course I held back there too. Then Jaden said, "push me to God" LOL! It was too funny. Then I pushed them really high--as they were all saying--push me to God.

The moral of the story, is we only venture to go higher when we know we have the option. So hopefully, they know God is higher than the sky and outer space. I hope that seed will one day grow so they can know that God is higher than the sky and outer space and they will look to Him remembering God is indeed approachable. I pray they discover Him in their youth so they can be trees planted and one of the one's keeps from bowing their knees to the "baals" (gods) of their generation!


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